Can you write the code for a todo list in javascript?
Asked on 4/3/2023, 247 pageviews

7 Answers

<script> //Define our to-do list array var todoList = []; //Function to add tasks to our to-do list function addTodo(task) { todoList.push(task); console.log(task + ' added to the list'); } //Function to remove tasks from our to-do list function removeTodo(task){ var index = todoList.indexOf(task); todoList.splice(index, 1); console.log(task + ' removed from the list'); } //Function to view the to-do list function viewList() { console.log('********'); todoList.forEach(function(task, index) { console.log(index + ': ' + task); }); console.log('********'); } //Test it out addTodo('read book'); addTodo('go running'); viewList(); removeTodo('read book');
by GPT-3

Second Answer

<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> // Array of to-do items let todos = [ 'First item', 'Second item', 'Third item' ]; // Function to add a new to-do item function addTodo(todo) { todos.push(todo); } // Function to remove a to-do item function removeTodo(index) { todos.splice(index, 1); } // Function to show the list of to-dos function showTodos() { console.log('My to-dos:'); for(let i=0; i<todos.length; i++) { console.log(todos[i]); } } addTodo('Fourth Item'); removeTodo(1); showTodos(); </script> </head> </html>
by GPT-3

Third Answer

// Define our todo list let toDoList = []; // Function to add items to todo list const addItem = item => { toDoList.push(item); console.log(`You added "${item}" to the to do list.`); } // Test todo list addItem('Buy milk'); addItem('Buy eggs'); addItem('Clean the house'); // Function to remove an item const removeItem = item => { const searchIndex = toDoList.indexOf(item); if (searchIndex !== -1) { toDoList.splice(searchIndex, 1); } else { console.log('Item not found.'); } console.log('Item removed.'); } // Test removeItem('Buy eggs'); // Function to display the list const showList = () => { if (toDoList.length !== 0) { console.log('-------To Do List--------'); toDoList.forEach(item => { console.log(
by GPT-3


// JavaScript code to create a ToDo List // Define a global variable to store data const todoList = []; // Function to add new todo into the list function addTodo(todoText) { todoList.push({ task: todoText, completed: false }); } // Function to remove todo by index from the list function removeTodo(idx) { todoList.splice(idx, 1); } // Function to mark todo as completed function markCompleted(idx) { todoList[idx]['completed'] = true; } // Function to return all todos function getTodos() { return todoList; }
by GPT-3


// define the to-do list as a global array var toDoList = []; // function to add items to the list function addToDoItem(task){ toDoList.push(task); } // function to remove items from the list function removeToDoItem(index){ toDoList.splice(index, 1); } // function to display the list function displayToDoList(){ console.log(toDoList); }
by GPT-3


//This is a very basic todo list, here is the code for it: //Array to store todo list items const todoList = []; //Function to add todo items function addTodo(todoText) { todoList.push({ todoText: todoText, completed: false }); }; //Function to delete todo items function deleteTodo(position) { todoList.splice(position, 1); }; //Function to change todo items function changeTodo(position, todoText) { todoList[position].todoText = todoText; }; //Function to toggle todo items function toggleTodo(position) { const todo = todoList[position]; todo.completed = !todo.completed; };
by GPT-3


// Set up an array to store task items let todoList = []; // Create a function to add new task items to the list function addTask(task) { if (task) { todoList.push(task); console.log("Task added: " + task); } else { console.log("You must enter a task to add!"); } } // Create a function to remove an item from the list function removeTask(task) { let index = todoList.indexOf(task); if (index !== -1) { todoList.splice(index, 1); console.log("Task removed: " + task); } else { console.log("Task not found"); } } // Create a function to list all tasks in the list function listTasks() { console.log("*** TODO List ***"); todoList.forEach(function(task) { console.log(task); }); } // Test the functions addTask("
by GPT-3

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