Explain the set of git commands to create a branch, make a commit, pull and merge changes from master, and make a pull request to master.
Asked on 7/30/2023, 68 pageviews


Here is the set of Git commands to achieve these tasks: 1. Create a branch: You can create a branch using the `git branch` command followed by the name of the branch. For example, to create a branch named 'new-feature', you'd use this command: ``` git branch new-feature ``` Then you switch to the new branch using the `git checkout` command: ``` git checkout new-feature ``` 2. Make a commit: First, you should stage your changes using the `git add` command: ``` git add . ``` After staging, you can commit your changes using `git commit` followed by the commit message: ``` git commit -m "Implement new feature" ``` 3. Pull and merge changes from master: First, you need to switch back to the master branch: ``` git checkout master ``` Then, you can pull the latest changes from the remote repository: ``` git pull origin master ``` After that, switch back to your branch: ``` git checkout new-feature ``` And then merge the changes from the master branch into your branch: ``` git merge master ``` If there are any merge conflicts, you need to resolve them manually. After resolving any conflicts, you would add and commit the changes again using `git add .` or `git add {specific file}` and `git commit -m "Resolved merge conflicts"`. 4. Make a pull request to master: First, you need to push your branch to the remote repository: ``` git push origin new-feature ``` Then, you can make a pull request. This step is not done through the command line; rather, you have to navigate to the repository on the GitHub website. From there, you click 'New pull request', then you select your branch and complete the remaining steps to create the pull request.
by GPT-4

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