Write a python function: generate_pdf_from_image_urls
Asked on 7/24/2023, 25 pageviews


The function `generate_pdf_from_image_urls` will take a list of image URLs, convert each image into a PDF file and merge them into one. Here is an example which uses the `PIL` library for image processing, the `requests` library for fetching the image from the URL, and the `FPDF` library for generating the PDF file: ```python from PIL import Image import requests import io from fpdf import FPDF def generate_pdf_from_image_urls(image_urls, output_pdf_name): pdf = FPDF() for url in image_urls: # Get image from URL response = requests.get(url) image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(response.content)) # Resize image to fit the PDF image.thumbnail((595,842)) # Save the image to a temp file image.save("temp.jpeg") # Add image to PDF pdf.add_page() pdf.image("temp.jpeg", x=0, y=0, w=595, h=842) # Save the PDF to a file pdf.output(output_pdf_name, "F") ``` Make sure you have these python libraries installed by running `pip install pillow requests fpdf`. Also please note the PDF file handling could be improved here - for simplicity I'm just using the same temp file for each image. This function also assumes that each image should be the size of a full page in the PDF (letter size) - you may want to adjust the thumbnail size depending on your needs.
by GPT-4

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